front-end developer

Photo of a coding book

Marketeering Group

More Than a Front End Developer

While working at The Marketeering Group my job title was Front End Developer, but I was really more of a point person for everything technically related to websites. I was a developer, designer, and quality assurance tester all in one. I would meet with the clients and discuss their plan and needs for the site, then practicing Content First Design, I would build and design their at the same time. In addition to new sites, I would fix technical issues or advise staff and clients on best UX practices on a site.

The Work

Most of my clients where small businesses so low cost and speed where priority. Most of our sites needed to be delivered in three weeks. Despite the fast pace I consistently delivered my sites at least a day or more ahead of schedule. New projects were done in pre-made themes, including Fortuna and I gained experience with Visual Composer and WooCommerce. Here are three recent sites I delivered:

Final Thoughts

What I enjoyed most while working at The Marketeering Group was troubleshooting other developers code. When things broke, I needed to fix them, immediately. I would use Chrome Developer Tools to test and fix (or work around) all kinds of code issues. I got really good at troubleshooting issues with Bootstrap and CSS. I learned that I would like to further develop these skills in the future and in my next position.

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